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Welcome to Traditional Acupuncture Health Center. We have been practicing here in Chico since 1981 and have been privileged to treat thousands of patients with our unique style of acupuncture. Richard Baume learned this style of acupuncture in Japan where he studied for seven years. He passed this style of acupuncture on to his son Adrian, before retiring in 2017.

Adrian Baume, L.Ac

Adrian studied acupuncture in San Francisco, at American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has practiced since 2008, incorporating Japanese Meridian Therapy Acupuncture, Classical Chinese-style Acupuncture, Classical Fascia Acupuncture,  and MicroCurrent Needle-less Acupuncture.

When health conditions are resistant to long-term benefit from other treatments, Adrian has found that testing and correcting nutritional deficiencies, as well as helping clients test, detoxify and remove harmful heavy metals, pollutants, chemicals and fungal infections plays a huge role in allowing the body to restore healthy functioning. Toxins like aluminum, arsenic, lead, cadmium, mold / mycotoxins, and mercury are increasingly common in our bodies due to exposure from food, air, water, home, office, dental fillings, among other sources.

These toxins cause inflammation, food sensitivities and allergies, intestinal permeability, kidney issues, poor energy production on the cellular level leading to chronic fatigue, anxiety, headaches, migraines, nerve-related symptoms, brain-fog, mood imbalances, insomnia, difficulty relaxing, and more. Our individually tailored consultations and protocols are effective in restoring optimal function to each of your body’s numerous systems.

The Japanese Meridian Therapy Acupuncture we practice is a very subtle and yet profound style of acupuncture, the goal of which is to balance the energy of the whole body while increasing the ability of all the organs to function on a higher level. The whole body is activated in such a way that it can participate in the healing process as one unified entity.

I would describe what takes place as the creation of a healing resonance or harmony which is the precondition for all deep healing.

With the acupuncture that we do, this state of inner resonance can be created and the body can initiate a deep and profound healing response. In this state of resonance the body can often heal or greatly improve deep seated conditions of serious illness.

It has been shown to be effective in treatment of colitis, IBS, chronic fatigue syndrome, lyme disease, immune problems, asthma and a wide variety of other problems. It is often effective in treating mental/emotional problems such as depression and anxiety and has helped with ADHD related conditions. I believe that the body is programmed to be self healing and self regulating but it can do this only when it is in the state of resonance or inner harmony.

It is also used for conditions such as headache, migraines, back and joint pain, injuries from accidents and many other common, everyday complaints. By the way this form of acupuncture (because a very small needle is used and insertion is extremely shallow) is perfect for children and those with needle phobia because there is absolutely no pain.

Also this style of acupuncture is great for those who just want to experience or regain their natural state of well being.

We are thrilled to have been awarded best acupuncturist in Chico from the readers of the Chico Enterprise Record, Oroville Mercury News and the Paradise Post in 2016 and 2019!

Also check out Richard’s dynamic stretching dvd that will increase strength and flexibility and vastly improve posture. Twenty-five exercises that can be done in ten minutes. Go to: